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Antibiotic resistance: cheap diagnostic test could be a saviour
BY: LARA MARKS & ANKUR MUTREJA – 11 August 2020 With the world’s attention focused on combating Covid-19, it is easy to forget the other significant threat to public health and the global economy – the rapid rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Yet the problem has not disappeared. Indeed, the pandemic is probably accelerating it. Predicted to cause 10 million deaths a year by 2050 if left unchecked, AMR occurs where microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, develop resistance to antimicrobial drugs (such as antibiotics, antivirals and antimalarials). AMR is a natural process that is fundamental to the survival and evolution of […]

How to be sure that a Rapid Diagnostic Test is reliable?
Professional Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) are great tools to have when you need a fast and reliable diagnostic solution at the point-of-care. To enable assessment of their reliability you need to have the sensitivity & specificity, which determine accuracy. Understanding some basic definitions can minimize being misled by false-negative or false-positive results. 1,2 SENSITIVITY (True positive rate): Proportion of people WITH condition that test POSITIVE. A test with 100% sensitivity means all individuals with the condition are correctly identified, i.e. there are no false negatives. False negative = 100% – Sensitivity SPECIFICITY (True negative rate): Proportion of people WITHOUT condition […]

How can Rapid Diagnostic Tests Revolutionize the way doctors diagnose?
Rapid Diagnostic Tests are diagnostic assays designed for use at the point-of-care (POC) to provide results conveniently and almost immediately. Thus, they offer a useful alternative to microscopy.1 Indeed, barriers to pathology labs are mainly long turnaround time to get the results and high cost pushing the healthcare professionals to prefer clinical symptoms as the standard of diagnosis.2 What if doctors could eliminate guesswork and diagnose accurately their patients in only 10 minutes? Rapid Diagnostic Tests have extensively been used worldwide for the past decade due to their reliability, convenience and cost effectiveness.3 What does this mean? For DOCTORS: Saves […]

Nail Fungus: Risk factors; Prevention; Signs & Symptoms informative article
Did you know that nail fungus is one of the most common nail conditions? It is estimated that it affects approximately 12% of the population worldwide and over 50% of people over 70. While some people might be more predisposed and have an increased susceptibility to developing a fungal nail infection, absolutely anyone and everyone is at risk. There are however a variety of risk factors that can contribute to you developing a nail fungus, some of which include the following. RISK FACTORS: Age: Older individuals certainly have an increased likelihood of developing a nail fungus infection. This is partly […]

STREPTOP® A Rapid Diagnostic Test: An effective solution in the fight of antibiotic resistance
700,000 people around the world die every year because of antibiotic resistance. By 2050, this figure could rise to 10 million (14 times more than now).1 A recent study published by the South African Medical Journal shows that “72% of respondents to a survey believed that antibiotic resistance is due to the human body’s increasing resistance to antibiotics and not the bacteria itself” that mutates and become resistant.
2 South Africans are not the only ones, the World Health Organization (WHO) found similar results from a survey done across 12 countries where 76% of respondents thought the same thing.3 The belief […]

‘Nail’ the Diagnosis: Learning more about fingernail and toenail abnormalities
A substantial amount of information can be gathered by analyzing an individual’s toenails and/or fingernails. From possible malignancy to nutritional status, an individual’s toenails and/or fingernails can often fill in the needed ‘blank spaces’ and provide you with a significant amount of insight into their overall health and wellness. In order to ensure that as much information as possible is gathered,
it is essential that clinicians undertake a thorough evaluation of each individual’s nails at each physical examination. In order to ensure that the most accurate information is obtained, it is important that the examination is done in good lighting […]